


June 2nd – August 25th

4 PM til Sunset

Sign-up Meeting. – TBD

Sign-up and receive targets, $10 fee for targets
Will Shoot a total of 10 targets for league scores.
Children under 18 years old shoot free. We supply rifle (if needed), ammo and targets. Child must be accompanied by adult, who is a member, and have completed Hunter Safety Class.

FACTORY CLASS – Standard hunting and sporter model rifles. Factory barrel and stock as sold by the manufacturer to qualify. Minor or standard upgrades allowed only.

TARGET CLASS – Rifles intended for precision target shooting. Factory stocks, barrels, trigger assemblies replaced with after market components. Typical target rifles allowed will be Bagara, CZ, Anshutz, Kimber, Cooper’s, Savage, Mossberg’s etc. (ARA Unlimited Benchrest Rifles are not permitted.)

All classes will be shot off the bench. No restrictions on type or power of scope. Sand bags are available at the range. Typical front and rear bag and bi-pods are acceptable. One piece rifle rests are not allowed.

For 25 & 50 yard shooting there will be 10 assigned targets for league scoring plus 2 practice targets costing $10.00 for each entrant. We will be using the Official Factory Class ARA Target,
25 Record Bulls.

100 & 200 yard targets either factory or modified rifles are acceptable. We will be using the 100 yard Hunter Rifle Targets. Shooting five-shot groups on five bulls for score. There will be 10 assigned targets for league scoring plus 2 practice targets costing $10.00 for each entrance.

Monday night range is closed for Rimfire League use only.